Hi, I'm Anika Devereux. Thanks for stopping by Double Daisy Mosaics.


I'm an avid upcycler, loving the process of taking something and transforming it

 into something else.

Mosaic is a great artform for this, and I use upcycled materials whenever possible.


To purchase a mosaic, please see the Contact page.


Fluffy, the Round White Cat

Home decorations, Animal, Cat
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A fluffy (?) white kitty with blue ears, black and gold whiskers, green eyes, and red nose and mouth.


Made from an upcycled plate, stained glass, glass gems, bead and repurposed ceramic tiles, on a repurposed wooden board.


Approx 10" diameter

Wooden supports on the back has this hanging about 3/8" from the wall.


This is in the "pique assiette" tradition of mosaics, using found and upcycled objects to create a scene or picture with multiple textures.



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These mosaics are part of my body of work,

though they are gone or are not for sale.